Unscheduled Maintenance Notice: Nov 10, 14:00 - 16:00 JST

Unscheduled Maintenance Notice: Nov 10, 14:00 - 16:00 JST The unscheduled maintenance that started on Nov 10, 2023 at 14:00 JST ended at 16:00 JST.

- Updated Information -
・Expansion of Material Bag and Gear Bag initial capacity.

We have expanded the capacity of Material Bag and Gear Bag by adding 70 slots and 20 slots respectively to the bags through the maintenance.

This expansion applies to both existing players and new players.

As for the players whose bags have exceeded the maximum capacity, we will check them one by one and we will return the excess with Star Stones.

・300 Star Stones are distributed as compensation for system adjustment.
・200 Star Stones are distributed to thank you for your cooperation during the temporary maintenance.

- Compensation -
Eligible Players: Only for the players who had expanded the bag before the maintenance
Content: 100 Star Stones per expansion

Please claim them from the Gift Box.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

