Updated Information (1.7.0): Section 5 Part 2 "The Resolute One" Added! More…

- New Story Section 5 Part 2 "The Resolute One" Added! -
The item to cure Aru, "Glamarassa's Overflow", has been obtained! Let's use the portal to move!
Required User Level: Level 43
Starting Map: Riklet Water Gate's Portal
- User Level Cap has been raised to 58! -
User Level Cap has been raised from 55 to 58.
- Event Information -
- The event period of the Event Dungeon"Kaiser Kampo" will be extended to Wednesday, February 14, 2024 (JST) before maintenance.
- New SSR Tarot: "Apple Fiesta" Available for Purchase! -

The chance of winning the new Tarot will be higher than that of other SSR Tarots!
Please see the notice for more details about Tarot.
New SSR Tarot: "Apple Fiesta" Available for Purchase!
- Adjustments -
We will notify you of any adjustments made during maintenance.
The chance to get gear of rare and epic grade has been raised, and lowered for normal grade for the gear below.
- Wooden gear
- Adventurer gear
- Iron gear
- Copper gear
- Chrome gear
- Ominodite gear
*The chance for higher grades remains unchanged.
- Dropped item info maintained has been limited to 50 at most.
This is done to reduce server load.
- Bug Fixes -
We will notify you of any bugs fixed during maintenance.
- As the calculation of DEF down is bugged, the effect of DEF down sometimes is lost and it affects the value of final damage.
We apologize for the inconvenience. 900 Star Stones are distributed as compensation. Please claim them from the Gift Box.
- The character cannot be controlled during gameplay.
- A bug where the animation to store the gathering tool for felling does not work when the player keeps holding it for a while and felling becomes not possible.
- A bug where the slider bar can also be moved other than on the area to adjust item quantity.
- Other Update -
[Select Gacha]
- Character Gacha "[King of Black Emotion] Haylead's" will become unavailable for purchase.
- Tarot Gacha "The King of Hubris and Lies" will become unavailable for purchase.
- Confirmed Bugs -
We would like to inform you about the bugs that have been confirmed at the moment.
[Bugs on Some Platforms]
- A reconnecting issue during gameplay.
- A bug where items to gather and monsters to kill do not respawn.
- A bug where the character can move and ends up in a position that is higher and not supposed to be accessible.
We will investigate the cause of the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.