Updated Information (1.4.1): Side Quest: "Cleaning the Water Gate" Added! More…

Updated Information (1.4.1): Side Quest: "Cleaning the Water Gate" Added! More… The App update has been successfully completed. Please download version "1.4.1" from "Google Play"

- Compensation for Incorrect Info Announced -
The following items have been distributed as compensation for the incorrect info about how AP works. Please claim them from the Gift Box.

- AP Recovery Potion (L) x3

- Side Quest: "Cleaning the Water Gate", "Chase the Magic Stone Thief!", and "A Showdown with the Magic Stone Thief?!" Added! -
We have added side quests that can be received from the NPC "Bell"!

If you are aiming to reach the level cap, apart from being able to earn lots of EXP, you can also get the EXP item "Book of Heroes"!

By just doing the side quests, you can get handy items to raise your character, so make sure to challenge them!

[Requirements to Start]
- Completed the story "Stone of Hope"
- Completed the side quest from "A Rising Star Is Born!" to "A Mysterious Voice Underground"
- Talk to the NPC "Bell" in Riklet Water Gate: Area 1

Required Power: 16000 or more

- Other Updates -
Updated the exchange for "Gerda Premium Scale" at the Exchange Center.
- Book of Justice is now available for exchange.
- Book of Reincarnation is now available for exchange.
- The maximum number of Book of Heroes that can be exchanged has been updated to 30.

- New SSR Character: "King of Black Emotion Haylead's" Available for Purchase! -
New SSR Character: New SSR character Gacha: "King of Black Emotion Haylead's" are now available for purchase!

We have raised the win rates for the new characters so that you'll have a higher chance of winning them than the other SSR characters!

[What's Shared DEF Down?]
Your debuff will be shared with your group members on multiplayer mode too.

Please see the notice for more details about character.
New SSR Character: "King of Black Emotion Haylead's" Available for Purchase!

- New SSR Tarot: "The King of Hubris and Lies" Available for Purchase! -
The King of Hubris and LiesNew SSR Tarot Gacha: "The King of Hubris and Lies" are now available for purchase!

The chance of winning the new Tarot will be higher than that of other SSR Tarots!

Please see the notice for more details about Tarot.
New SSR Tarot: "The King of Hubris and Lies" Available for Purchase!

- Adjustments -
We will notify you of any adjustments made during maintenance.

- Adjusted the timing of the attack judgment of the boss "Gerda" when thrusting the spear.

- Bug Fixes -
We will notify you of any bugs fixed during maintenance.

- A bug where item rewards from boss battle treasure chests cannot be obtained after closing the app in an improper way.
- A bug where the display becomes abnormal if you switch to another character in your formation to fell after felling or mining.

- A bug where the EX skill "EX. Iron Guts" fails to activate the second time when the skill is used consecutively without moving.
- A bug where inputting a normal attack during a normal attack at a specific timing results in abnormal attack behavior.

[About Display]
- A bug where the display becomes abnormal if you switch to another character in your formation to fell after felling or mining.

- Confirmed Bugs -
We would like to inform you about the bugs that have been confirmed at the moment.

[Bugs on Some Platforms]
- A reconnecting issue during gameplay.
- A bug where items to gather and monsters to kill do not respawn.
- A bug where the "Gather" button is not shown and fishing becomes not possible.
- A bug where the animation to store the gathering tool for felling does not work when the player keeps holding it for a while and felling becomes not possible.
- A bug where the character can move and ends up in a position that is higher and not supposed to be accessible.

We will investigate the cause of the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

