[EDIT] Updated Information (1.3.0): Section 5 Part 1 "The Dragon Cave" Added! More…

[EDIT] Updated Information (1.3.0): Section 5 Part 1 "The Dragon Cave" Added! More… The App update has been successfully completed. Please download version "1.3.0" from "Google Play" and "App Store"

- New Story Section 5 Part 1 "The Dragon Cave" Added! -
Aru was cursed by Haylead. Go get the item that can heal her!

Required User Level: Level 40
Starting Map: Transcendent Alagoon

- New Map: "Waterfall Cave" Added! -
Waterfall CaveThere will be new monsters and new item gathering spot on the new map "Waterfall Cave".

- User Level Cap has been raised to 55! -
User Level Cap has been raised from 50 to 55.

- New SSR Tarot "Hellfire Assault" Available at the Exchange Center! -
Hellfire AssaultA new Tarot that can be exchanged using the rewards from defeating the boss "Gerda" has been added.

- Basking in the Sun - *Max Awakening State
≪Basic Ability≫
HP +500
ATK +10
Fire Element +100

- Tarot Effect - *Max Awakening State
Character's Fire element +15%

- Base Update Info -
拠点アップデート情報- New recipes added to the Blacksmith and Furnace at the Base.
- Added new wood and ore exchanges.

- Tanzanite Sword
- Tanzanite Helm
- Tanzanite Armor
- Tanzanite Gauntlets
- Tanzanite Boots
- Tanzanite Ring
- Tanzanite Earrings
- Tanzanite Necklace

[Gathering Tool]
- Ominodite Axe
- Ominodite Pickaxe
- Ominodite Fishing Rod
- Tanzanite Axe
- Tanzanite Pickaxe
- Tanzanite Fishing Rod

- Monster Crystal Lv.5

[About Base Development]
After the tutorial, if you progress through the story in Kerrybur Woods, you will be able to visit Transcendent Alagoon.
Blacksmith, Dining Hall, and other facilities can be upgraded through Base Development in Alagoon: Inside.
Each facility has its own upgrade level and useful features will be unlocked as you upgrade them.

- New SSR Tarot: "Basking in the Sun" Available for Purchase! -
New SSR Tarot: New SSR Tarot Gacha: "Basking in the Sun" are now available for purchase!

The chance of winning the new Tarot will be higher than that of other SSR Tarots!

Please see the notice for more details about Tarot.
New SSR Tarot: "Basking in the Sun" Available for Purchase!

- Adjustments -
We will notify you of any adjustments made during maintenance.

[Item Drop]
- Dropped items have been adjusted to remain on the ground even after moving to another map.

- Text auto-advance feature has been adjusted to maintain the "AUTO" setting.

[Base Development]
- Eased the number of materials required for Base Development.

- Added the types of item that can be used as fuel for Furnace.

- Bug Fixes -
We will notify you of any bugs fixed during maintenance.

- Fixed the Damage Bonus that is affected by the number of Breaks.
- A bug where the tapped action or skill button remains active when the character is revived after getting knocked out.
- A bug where the character cannot be controlled after being revived if the character gets knocked out while attacking an enemy.

- When putting the enemy into the Break state in multiplayer mode, a bug causing the Break state of the enemy not to be removed from the room owner only and attacks not to hit occurs.
- A bug where the enemy stops moving on multiplayer mode when the player targeted by the enemy gets disconnected.
- A bug where the player remains in the group on multiplayer mode although the option to "Leave group when leaving the dungeon" has been ticked.
- A bug where the Break bar values of the host and the participants do not sync on multiplayer mode.

- Other Update -

[Select Gacha]
- Guaranteed SSR Character Gacha will become unavailable for purchase.
- Guaranteed SSR Tarot Gacha will become unavailable for purchase.
- Tarot Gacha "Princess Lost in the Flames" will become unavailable for purchase.

- Confirmed Bugs -
We would like to inform you about the bugs that have been confirmed at the moment.

[Bugs on Some Platforms]
- A reconnecting issue during gameplay.
- A bug where items to gather and monsters to kill do not respawn.
- A bug where the "Gather" button is not shown and fishing becomes not possible.
- A bug where the animation to store the gathering tool for felling does not work when the player keeps holding it for a while and felling becomes not possible.
- A bug where the character can move and ends up in a position that is higher and not supposed to be accessible.

We will investigate the cause of the issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

